How to Get Rid of Cricket Noise at Night

Silencing the Chirp: Tips To Get Rid Of Cricket Noise And Sleep Peacefully

Are you exhausted of lying awake at night, listening to the never-ending chirping of crickets? Don’t worry!

In this article, we’ll provide you with useful ways to get rid of cricket noise and finally get your restful nights back.

Let’s start by understanding why crickets are so loud. We’ll explain the science behind their chirping and help you understand their behavior. With this knowledge, you’ll be better prepared to tackle the problem.

Next, we’ll discuss soundproofing solutions that can reduce cricket noise inside your home. We’ll cover everything from sealing cracks and gaps to using acoustic panels.

We’ll also inform you of the signs of a cricket infestation and how to find cricket nests in your house.

We’ll talk about lawn treatments and outdoor techniques that can target crickets directly.

If you don’t want to use chemicals, we have natural remedies. These can repel crickets without harming the environment or your health.

Say goodbye to cricket noise and reclaim peaceful nights! Let’s explore these methods together.

Key Takeaways

  • Getting rid of cricket noise at night can be a challenge. Fortunately, there are several solutions that can help.
  • Soundproofing your home is an effective way to reduce the noise levels. Sealing cracks in walls and installing acoustic panels can help muffle the chirping of crickets.
  • Pest control is another option to consider. Vacuuming the crickets and setting traps baited with insecticides can help reduce the number of crickets in the area.
  • If you suspect that your house may have a cricket infestation, you can look out for signs such as finding small black or dark brown droppings, damage to fabrics and papers, and presence of egg cases or nymphs.
  • Natural repellents can be used to keep crickets away. Spraying essential oils such as lavender or citronella around the perimeter of the property or planting certain kinds of plants can be a great way to deter crickets from entering in the first place.

green grasshopper on brown wood during daytime

Why Are Crickets So Loud?

Have you ever wondered why crickets are so loud at night? Let’s explore the interesting reason behind their singing!

Crickets produce their characteristic chirping sound by rubbing their serrated front wings together in a process called ‘pulsing.’ The pulsing rate varies on the temperature and species of cricket.

Male crickets use this chirping to attract females, raising their wings to ensure that they can be heard.

There are more than ten kinds of crickets in the United States. While some species produce an excruciating amount of noise, others are quieter or may not chirp at all.

In the United States, some of the most common crickets that tend to invade yards and homes are house crickets, field crickets, camel crickets, and mole crickets.

If these loud insects are keeping you up at night and disrupting your peace, stay tuned for how to get rid of cricket noise at night in the following sections.

Soundproofing Solutions To Minimize Cricket Noise

Cricket chirping at night can be quite bothersome and make it difficult to get a good night’s sleep. Fortunately, there are soundproofing solutions that can help minimize the noise.

Hanging noise-blocking curtains is an effective way to reduce cricket noise. These curtains are designed with heavy materials that absorb sound waves, blocking them from entering your living space.

Similarly, soundproofing insulation can be applied to door frames and windows to create a barrier that prevents noise from passing through.

Using these soundproofing solutions can create a more peaceful atmosphere inside your home and help you enjoy a restful sleep without any disturbances.

With just a few simple steps, you can reduce cricket noise and get the rest you need.

grasshopper on leaf

How to Get Rid of Cricket Noise at Night

Getting rid of cricket noise at night can be a challenge, but it doesn’t have to be. There are a few simple techniques you can use to help reduce their presence and create a peaceful environment for restful sleep.

Start by eliminating any sources of standing water in your yard. Crickets are attracted to moist environments, so removing any standing water can help reduce their presence.

Additionally, keep bushes and long grasses trimmed near your home. This minimizes hiding places for crickets and other pests.

You should also seal off any openings around windows, doors, and other access points. Use caulk or weatherstripping to ensure crickets can’t enter your home.

Outdoor lighting can also attract crickets, so consider using low-wattage bulbs or motion sensor lights to minimize their presence.

Signs of Cricket Infestation

No matter what kind of cricket you have, they are all harmless to humans. This means they won’t hurt you or make you sick. But even though they don’t harm us, most people don’t want crickets in their homes.

If you hear a cricket chirping inside your home, it’s probably a house cricket.

House crickets are smaller than field crickets and have a light yellowish-brown color with three darker lines on their head. They have long, thin antennas and long legs that help them jump really far.

Here are some signs that you might have more crickets in your house. If you notice these signs, consult a pest control professional to address the cricket infestation promptly.

Visible Crickets

If you spot live crickets crawling or jumping around your property, it is a clear sign of infestation. You may find them in basements, crawl spaces, garages, or other dark and damp areas where they prefer to hide during the day.


Look for small, black or dark brown pellet-like droppings in corners, behind furniture, or in areas where there is clutter or debris. Cricket feces resemble small, black or dark brown pellets, and they are usually found near their hiding spots.

Damage to fabrics and paper

Crickets are known to feed on fabrics, papers, and other materials made of natural fibers. Check for small holes or damaged edges on natural fiber materials like clothing, curtains, carpets, and books.

Egg cases or nymphs

Crickets lay eggs in moist soil or other damp areas. If you come across small egg cases or immature nymphs, it suggests that a cricket colony is present nearby.

Uneaten pet food

Crickets may be attracted to leftover pet food, so watch for them around your pet’s food bowls.

Damage to plants

Some species of crickets also feed on plants and can cause damage to your garden or indoor plants. Look for signs of wilting, leaf chew marks, or damaged roots that could be attributed to cricket feeding.

Lawn Treatments to Get Rid of Crickets

Getting rid of crickets can be a challenge, but with the right approach, you can make sure they won’t disturb your sleep any longer.

One option is to use insecticides specifically designed for crickets. These treatments come in various forms, such as sprays or granules.

Whatever product you choose, make sure to carefully follow the instructions on the package. This will ensure that the treatment is effective and you can get rid of the crickets in your lawn.

selective focus photography of green insect

Outdoor Cricket Treatments and Cricket Pest Control Techniques

If you’re dealing with cricket noise at night, don’t despair. With the right cricket treatments and pest control techniques, you can reduce their presence and reclaim your outdoor space.

Start by blocking potential entry points into your home with bug spray, pesticide, or similar products.

You can also place cricket traps and baits around areas that tend to attract them, such as wood piles, compost piles, and outdoor sheds.

If you’re looking for an effective way to manage cricket problems in your yard or garden, try targeting their habitats.

This will help to repel crickets from entering your home, and give you peaceful nights free from their incessant chirping.

Find Where Crickets Are Hiding in Your House

To remove crickets from your house, you need to find them first. Follow the noise they make, but be careful because they tend to stop making noise when they hear you.

Look in dark and damp places in your home, as crickets like to hide there. They also like warm areas, so check near your water heater, furnace, and other warm appliances.

Search around your appliances, under sinks, inside cabinets, and under furniture. Don’t forget to check your basement and garage if you have them.

Cricket Prevention: The Best Way to Repel Crickets

To effectively repel crickets and prevent their annoying chirping at night, there are a few steps you can take:

  • Ensure that your windows and doors are sealed with caulking or weatherstripping.
  • Replace or repair any torn screens to prevent crickets from entering your home.
  • Keep your garbage cans tightly closed and clean them regularly to avoid attracting crickets.
  • Designate an area at least 20 feet away from your home for mulch, compost, and wood piles. This will help reduce the presence of crickets in your vicinity.
  • Clear your gutters and drains regularly to prevent the accumulation of stagnant water, which can become breeding grounds for crickets.

Use a Vacuum

Using a vacuum cleaner is a great way to keep your home free of crickets. Start by cleaning any areas where you see or suspect crickets.

You may even find their eggs, which are often hard to spot. Vacuuming will not only remove insects but also their potential breeding grounds.

After you’re done, empty the vacuum cleaner outside right away. This will help prevent crickets from getting back into your home.

Making vacuum cleaning a regular part of your pest control routine can help reduce cricket populations. Plus, it will keep the annoying chirping sounds of crickets at night to a minimum.

Keeping your living spaces clean and organized will also help discourage crickets from settling in. If you want, you can soundproof your home for even quieter nights.

Cricket Traps and Insecticide

If you want to get rid of pesky crickets in your home, traps and insecticides may be the best solution.

Start by placing sticky traps in areas where you hear the cricket noise at night or suspect their presence.

These traps will help to reduce the number of crickets in your home and minimize the chirping sounds that can disrupt your sleep.

Insecticides may also be used to create a barrier around the perimeter of your home to prevent more crickets from entering.

However, please use caution when using insecticides as they may contain harmful chemicals that can be dangerous to children and pets.

Combining traps and insecticides can effectively reduce cricket noise at night and maintain a peaceful environment in your home.

So if you’re looking for an efficient way to get rid of crickets, consider using traps and insecticides strategically.

person doing pest control in lawn

Natural Ways to Get Rid of Cricket Chirping

If you’re looking for natural ways to get rid of crickets, we can offer you several options. Each option has its own advantages, so consider the best choice for your situation before taking any action.


If you’re struggling with cricket noise at night, molasses might just be the solution you’re looking for.

This sweet, sticky substance is not only used in baking, but it can also be used to effectively reduce cricket noise.

All you need to do is mix three to four tablespoons of molasses with some water and place it around your home.

The molasses will attract the crickets, making them less likely to roam and create noise.

This method is simple and effective, allowing you to enjoy peaceful nights without any disturbances.

Use Diatomaceous Earth (DE)

Diatomaceous Earth (DE) is a great option for getting rid of cricket noise. This versatile white powder is an effective and safe insecticide that can quickly eliminate crickets.

Here are a few reasons why DE should be your go-to solution:

  • First, DE is fast-acting, killing crickets upon contact.
  • Second, it provides long-term relief because it remains effective for an extended period of time.
  • Third, it’s non-toxic and won’t cause any adverse effects to humans or pets.

DE is also easy to use. Simply sprinkle it in areas where you hear the chirping or suspect their presence. Not only will it help with crickets, but DE can also be used as a mild abrasive or cat litter.

Invest in Nitrogen-Fixing Plants

Investing in nitrogen-fixing plants can be a great way to reduce the presence of crickets and their chirping noise that can disturb your sleep at night.

These plants, such as alfalfa, peanuts, mint, peas, beans, and clover, have an incredible ability to absorb nitrogen gas from the air and store it in their roots.

This process creates an environment that is unfavorable for crickets as they need nitrogen-rich soil to survive.

So, when nitrogen-fixing plants are present near your home, crickets are less likely to invade and create their notorious noise.

Investing in nitrogen-fixing plants can also add beauty to your surroundings and promote a healthy ecosystem.

The best part is that you don’t need to be an expert gardener to grow these plants; they are easy to maintain and don’t require special attention or care.

Use Predators to Your Advantage

Using predators such as birds, frogs, and nitrogen-fixing plants can be an effective way to reduce cricket noise in your backyard. This method of pest control is natural and offers many benefits.

Birds: Attracting birds to your yard with a bird feeder can help decrease the cricket population, as birds are some of their biggest predators.

Frogs: Installing a small pond in your garden is a great way to bring in frogs, which are natural cricket hunters.

Create Your Own Natural Insecticide

Transform your backyard into a peaceful, pest-free oasis with this easy-to-make homemade insecticide. Say goodbye to those pesky crickets with this simple and effective concoction.


  • Mix 1 tablespoon of mild dish soap with 1 cup of canola cooking oil. This combination is an effective repellent for crickets and other insects.
  • For an extra kick, try another potent recipe using hot peppers and garlic. Start by chopping up half a cup each of any kind of peppers and garlic.
  • Blend together with an electric mixer, then add two cups of warm water and strain out the vegetable pieces.
  • Spray or spread this mixture around your house, on plants, or anywhere you want to get rid of the cricket noise.

Final Thoughts

If you’re trying to get rid of the noise crickets make at night, you can try simple ways to block the sound, but they may not always work. The best way to completely get rid of the noise is to eliminate the crickets.

Luckily, there are many products and methods available to make your yard and home quiet and peaceful, so you can sleep and relax without hearing their chirping.