soundproof window electric air conditioner

How to Soundproof a Window Air Conditioner: Your Guide to a Quieter AC Unit

As summer turns up the heat, an air conditioning unit becomes a must-have to stay cool. However, the disruptive noise can easily turn this cooling solution into a noisy problem, interrupting your calm, focus, or even restful sleep.

But what if you get to learn how to soundproof a window air conditioner? That’s precisely what this article is about.

We’ll guide you through understanding various sounds coming from your air conditioner, what these sounds signify, and how to address them.

So, if you’re ready to turn your noisy air conditioner into a quiet, cooling companion, read on.

Key Takeaways

  1. Depending on the noise it makes, your window AC unit might need repair or adjustment.
  2. Soundproofing methods and materials like blankets, noise barriers, or custom window inserts can help reduce noise produced by your air conditioner.
  3. Regular checks and repairs of the air conditioner parts can also help dampen the noise.
  4. When installing a new window unit, ensuring proper fitting and securing can reduce future noise issues.
  5. Extra measures like adding an insulated wall around the unit can provide additional soundproofing and improve energy efficiency.

Identifying Where the Window AC’s Noise is Coming From

Your window air conditioner can make different sounds that can hold clues to the noise problems. Knowing what kind of noises your window air conditioner makes is important in finding the right fix and making it work better.

Popping Sounds

Weird popping sounds could mean there is an issue with the compressor or a fan blade is hitting something. If you hear this, check the unit for leaks. You can use an air conditioner compressor blanket to lower the noise.

Loud Screeching Noises

Screeching sounds might point to problems like a loose belt, a fan that doesn’t work properly, too much pressure in the compressor, or issues with electrical connections. Don’t ignore these sounds, as they may lead to bigger issues.

Clicking Sounds

Clicking sounds can be one of the common reasons for a noisy air conditioner unit. These sounds could be due to electrical problems or something blocking the fan blades. If it’s an electrical issue, it’s best to call a professional. If something is stuck in the fan blades, simply remove it and keep the blades clean.

Rattling and Vibrating Sounds

The sound of rattling and vibrating can often come from the compressor. This is usually due to parts that are loose or because the unit doesn’t have enough insulation.

Using certain pads or mounts can help reduce the vibrating sounds. Additionally, putting foam or panels that can block sound around the unit can lower the noise.

Minimize Outside Noise from a Window Air Conditioner

person installing window ac

A custom-measured window insert can help quiet down your window air conditioner. This insert fits into your window frame, forming an extra shield against outside noise.

Why Choose a Custom-Measured Window Insert?

  • A Snug Fit: These inserts are tailored to your window and air conditioner’s size, preventing extra noise from slipping in.
  • Extra Quiet: The inserts are made of acrylic, a material better than the usual framing materials at blocking noise.
  • Easy to Use: These customized inserts are simple to install and remove, which is great if you’re renting or frequently moving your air conditioner.
  • More Comfort: A quieter air conditioner means a more peaceful indoor space, helping you relax better.

Things to Consider Before Installing the Soundproof Window Insert

  • The sides around the air conditioner need to be at least 6 inches wide. If not, the legs of the window insert might break.
  • Cutting the corners around the air conditioner can risk tearing the tubing around the insert.
  • Optionally, you can put weather stripping instead of tubing around the air conditioner.
  • If your air conditioner has dents, it can be hard to make a perfect insert that blocks all noise.

Using Dual Window Inserts to Reduce Noise

Create two window inserts that fit your window frame when there’s no AC unit in place. These inserts will be split by an object called a mullion.

When summer hits, take out the lower insert and install the window AC unit. On either side of the air conditioner, place insulation and use weather stripping to fill the gap between the top window insert and the AC unit.

To keep the upper window insert secure, you can use L-shaped brackets if you don’t want a mullion. However, please note that mullions provide the maximum noise reduction.

Lastly, don’t worry about how the insulation looks from the outside – feel free to decorate it any way you like. The only thing to avoid is solvents, which can damage the insulation.

Soundproofing Your Noisy Window Air Conditioner

Window Air Conditioner

Reducing noise from your window air conditioner can be achieved by checking for loose parts, using soundproof blankets, installing an acoustic sound barrier, and repairing or replacing faulty parts.

By following these four steps, you can efficiently soundproof your window air conditioner.

1. Check for Loose Parts

Loose parts can cause unwanted noise. Follow these steps to inspect your unit:

  • Turn off and unplug the air conditioner.
  • Remove the front panel or grille of the unit.
  • Look at the fan blades and motor for signs of looseness or damage.
  • Check the unit’s housing and components for loose screws or bolts.

If you find major damage or are unsure about fixing something, consult a professional.

2. Use Soundproof Blankets

Soundproof blankets, made with materials like mass-loaded vinyl or fiberglass insulation, are designed to absorb and block noise. They are easy to install over the air conditioner unit or attached to a standard window frame, reducing noise and vibration.

3. Install an Acoustic Sound Barrier

Surrounding your AC unit with an acoustic sound barrier provides several benefits:

  • Absorbs and blocks external noise
  • Prevents noise leakage from the AC unit
  • Reduces vibrations and rattling sounds
  • Improves energy efficiency by adding an extra layer of insulation

4. Repair or Replace Faulty Parts

Inspect your AC unit to identify and fix or replace any faulty parts:

  • Check the fan blades for any damage or misalignment. Replace if needed.
  • Examine the motor and compressor for signs of wear or leaking refrigerant.
  • Listen for strange noises from these components. Consult a professional or refer to the manufacturer’s guide for repair instructions if you find any issues.

Setting Up a Quiet Window Air Conditioner Unit

If you’re installing a new window air conditioner or replacing your old one, here are some tips to help minimize noise pollution in your space

Pick a Quiet AC Unit

Start by choosing a quality air conditioner that’s meant to be quiet. These AC units are designed to make less noise than a standard window AC, ensuring you’ll have a peaceful and comfortable environment. They help you focus better, relax, and even sleep well by lowering the noises commonly made by AC units.

Install the AC Correctly

Proper installation of the AC is key in keeping it quiet. You’ll want to make sure the AC unit is level. This helps drain water out the right way and keeps leaks from happening.

Make the unit secure in the window frame using the screws or brackets that come with it. This can stop any shakiness or rattling that could make noise. You should also fill the gaps between the AC and the window frame with foam tape. This can stop noise from slipping through.

Lastly, triple-check all wires and connections to make sure everything is set up right.

Add an Insulated Wall

For an extra level of quiet, consider building an insulated wall around the AC. Use materials that are good at blocking sounds like acoustic foam or mass-loaded vinyl.

Measure your window to make sure you customize and cut your materials the right size. Then, secure them to the window frame with brackets or screws.

Use caulk to fill any gaps left between the wall and the window frame. This helps stop noise from leaking through and gives you a quieter and more peaceful home.

In conclusion, using these straightforward techniques can significantly reduce the noise from your window air conditioner. So take action now and enjoy a quieter cooling experience.


Q: How can I make my window air conditioner quieter?

To make your window air conditioner quieter, you can check for loose parts, use soundproof blankets, install an acoustic sound barrier, and repair or replace faulty parts. This will help quiet a noisy window air conditioner significantly.

Q: What is a sound blanket for air conditioner?

A sound blanket for an air conditioner is a specially designed cover that absorbs sound waves, reducing the overall noise made by the air conditioner. It’s one of the easiest ways to reduce noise.

Q: How do I soundproof my air conditioner condenser?

To soundproof your air conditioner condenser, you can build a sound barrier around it, add sound dampening materials to it, or use brackets to ensure it’s properly secured and not causing excessive noise.

Q: Why is my air conditioner so loud inside?

Your air conditioner might be loud inside because of issues like loose parts, a problem with airflow, or faulty components. Any of these can make the unit make more noise than usual.

Q: How to build a sound barrier for an air conditioner?

Building a sound barrier for an air conditioner involves creating a structure around the unit that can absorb sound waves, reducing the amount of noise escape. This could be made from materials like acoustic foam or mass-loaded vinyl, which are better than glass at blocking noise.

Q: Can I build a box around my air conditioner?

Yes, you can build a box around your air conditioner to reduce noise. Make sure to use sound-dampening materials and proper ventilation to maintain good airflow.

Q: Why is my AC unit so loud outside?

Your AC unit might be loud outside due to several reasons, including a loose or worn-out part, a problem with the compressor, or even insufficient lubrication. Regular maintenance can help keep the noise level down.

Q: How do you make a natural sound barrier?

To make a natural sound barrier, consider using dense and tall plants or shrubs around the noise source. These natural elements can help absorb sound waves and offer an easy way to soundproof a window air conditioning unit.